Monday 28 April 2014

Creation of the intellect

God said "Be" and it was. He created his best creation- the human intellect. He then showered it with all his blessings and gave it his divine powers. He told the angels with proud, this is my best creation. It can unveil all the divine secrets without any direct perception. It is what will make humans superior to angels and will take them to the sky without any divine miracle. It is the intellect that will connect humans to me and through it humans will recognize, understand and worship me. It is through it that humans will be able to distinguish the good from the evil, light from the darkness.

After showering all the blessings and praises he then put a curtain over human intellect. The curtain of doubt. Now, the intellect having lots of powers have this curtain of doubt over it. God then put instincts in the intellect which are supposed to be evil and humans are supposed to defy them. Now, he asks us look but don't touch. Human intellect is under the curtain of doubt. God who put that curtain now blames humans for doubts. Where is the justice? Justice is nothing but what God does, he says. Justice is defined through God and not what human intellect says. So, the perfect creation of God turns into the his arch enemy and the enmity reaches a point where intellect denies the existence of God. The curtain of doubt is still there. The blessing becomes the curse.

But God is all merciful and he claims his regime is not authoritarian. He gives us this extraordinary gift rather a curse, of "free will". Now God totally disassociates himself from human actions. He is no more responsible since we have a free will and a free intellect with divine powers. But what to do with the curtain of doubt? It was put by God himself so that we can doubt the evil but we doubt the divine as well. God's own weapon turned against him. How can humans be blamed for it when the creator is God?

When all these questions were put before God he answered, I did put the curtain on the intellect but I also gave you the will and sources to remove it but it was man's ego and his obsession with the self that does not let the curtain of doubt to be removed. Man could not recognize his self, how can he recognize me, said God. And thus the secret was revealed- "Know thyself and you know your Lord".

And God said in the voice of Iqbal: "Apne man me doob ke paa ja surag e zindagi, tu agar mera nahi banta na ban, apna to ban"

"By delving deep into your soul find the secrets of life, if you don't become mine at least be your own"
What is the Truth?

The question that has been troubling philosophers and thinkers since centuries is still unanswered and as much troubling as it was in the time of Socrates. But why are we looking for the truth in the first place, asks Nietzsche. Nietzsche was the genius who put the classical philosophy upside down, questioning the very basis of philosophy. He asks us a soul shattering question. Why are we looking for the truth and not untruth or even ignorance?

But we love to believe in an ultimate truth. Because denying or doubting one ultimate truth will make our lives nihilistic and we don't like nihilism. We try to fill this nihilist void with our own truths. Some people with God, some with nature, others with mathematics as being the ultimate truth. We don't want to feel like useless creatures, simply a piece of flesh having no more importance than flies and ants. Now, how do we overcome this nihilism? So, we invent the idea of an immortal soul. We are so obsessed with the idea of our existence that we do not want to let go of it. We want to exist, even after death. The idea of an immortal soul must have been invented by a very dishonest philosopher and the later philosophers put all their efforts to satisfy this obsession of philosophers and theologians. We dislike randomness and love harmony. So we invent ideas to bring all the beings in harmony with the universe although thermodynamics suggests that the universe moves towards randomness with increasing entropy.

So what do we do? How do we overcome this skepticism and this depressing nihilism? Soren Kierkegaard, a Danish philosopher suggested an answer- "leap of faith". Leap of faith is what has brought our lives in harmony with the nature, even if the harmony is just our mental construct. Or may be truth can not be attained through philosophical discourses and rational arguments but through mystical experiences like the mystics and sages have claimed. And I sincerely hope the claims of those saints and mystics are true and truth is as beautiful as they say. May be someday we become like the Budha and see everything as they are but until that day what choice do we have but to take the "leap of faith"?